
Welcome to Elwood Community School Corporation Registration!
All student registration for Elwood Community School Corporation students is completed online to quickly and accurately collect student information for our records.
Current Students
Parent/Guardian of current students will complete their returning student registration by logging into ecsc.powerschool.com/public. If the parent/guardian has not created a PowerSchool account, they will need an Access ID and Access Password in order to access the student information. The parent/guardian can obtain this information by either contacting their student(s) attending school Monday-Friday from 7:30a to 3:30p (during the school year).
Once in the Parent Portal, the parent/guardian will need to navigate to the “Forms” tab on the left-hand side of the screen under Navigation. During the process, the parent/guardian will verify and update any necessary student or family information, and complete annual school forms. As a note, while completing the online enrollment process, it is vital to answer all questions that are applicable to the student. (There are two sets of forms: Returning Student Form and Yearly Form)
ECSC would like to complete the current student enrollment process by May 17, 2024.
New Students
If a student is new to the school district or has left and returned to the district (ex. Attended 2nd grade, left, and now is returning to 4th grade), parent/guardian will need to complete the following steps to complete the online enrollment process:
- Parent/Guardian submits a new student application at https://ecsc.powerschool.com/public/formbuilder/form.html?formid=1855861 Once the pre-registration is completed, the parent/guardian will receive an email confirming
- After the administration has reviewed the information and approved it, an enrollment email will be sent to the parent/guardian with detailed instructions on how to complete the remaining enrollment process.
- The parent/guardian will complete all forms listed on the screen. (There are two sets of forms: New Student Form and Yearly Form)
- If the parent/guardian is not able to submit the necessary documentation online, he/she will need to bring any and all necessary documentation required for enrollment.
Finally, ECSC has created two videos, “How to Create A Parent Account on PowerSchool” and “How to Complete the Enrollment Process”, to aid the parent/guardian with the enrollment process. These videos can be found on the left-hand side of the page. If you have any questions, please contact the school in which the student is to be enrolled in.
School contact information:
Elwood Elementary School (Grades K-2) – (765) 552-7381
Elwood Intermediate School (Grades 3-6) – (765) 552-7378
Elwood Jr./Sr. High School (Grades 7-12) – (765) 552-9854